Sunday, July 25, 2010

New job and new phone

I thought I better update this blog. So we returned last week from a wonderful family reunion in Park City. Thanks to my dad, we had a wonderful place to stay and had a great time. We relaxed, went swimming, ate and then went swimming and relaxed all while we got re-aquainted with cousins and brothers and sisters. It was a great time and the weather couldn't have been better. Thanks to all who came and made it such a good event. Well, the next new thing in our life is Erik's new job. He will be working for another contracting company for the military, but this time he will be working with one of his loves, the ICBM missiles. He worked with the missile systems while active duty with the Air Force, and was so excited when asked to come and work with it again. He is currently in Virginia at a training course for the week, and then will start the following week back at the base. That brings up the new phone. He had a phone from his old job, but he had to leave that one in his old office. Therefore a new phone was in order. TMobile has a BOGO free on SMART phones. So yes I got the free one and it is a SMART phone. So much for me, Oh I will conquer it!!!!! It is very hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but I am determined to learn how to use it. So the next blog might contain pictures of me using it. Stay tuned.

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